Starting vscode via a terminal in your project directory using 'code.

You can also create breakpoints, which are points where the debugging process will automatically stop. Here are two other options: Changing the 'command' field in tasks.json from 'dotnet' to the full path (e.g.

Workspace folder As a jumping-off point, you can point VS. Begin by downloading and installing VS Code. Out of the box, it offers syntax highlighting and a certain degree of code intelligence, but easily-installed extensions can turn it into a very powerful development environment. MacOS has php7.1 and apache2 with no instruction. To start debugging your code, all you need to do is either press F5 to run it in your current window, or go to the Debug menu. Visual Studio Code is an excellent code editor from Microsoft. To change focus into editor group, you can either use number or arrow keys.

_ ✅ debug executable package * ❌ remote debugging: will support soon You can debug a native executable generated by GraalVM Native Image from the command line with the GDB bebugger, or from within Visual Studio Code (VS Code). In this post, I will explain how to integrate and use the PHP extension xdebug in Visual Studio Code, Docker and PHP. If you don’t have a multi-monitor setup for high productivity, you can still view codes of multiple files at once by splitting the editor either horizontally or vertically. How to Debugging PHP with VS Code | VS Code debug specs - PHP VS Code debug specs - PHP How to Debug php with VS Code View on GitHub How to Debugging PHP with VS Code Summary